Pay attention, fellow oddballs and outcasts! Are you sick of visiting the same old, dull parks that only have swings and slides? Well, Darwin City, Australia’s Bicentennial Park is the location for you.
First of all, this park is home to a variety of strange animals that are eager to meet you. This area is home to crocodiles, lizards, and even wallabies. Think about your friends’ reactions when you upload a selfie with a crocodile to Instagram. #SorryNotSorry

However, there’s still more! A botanical garden with rare plants and flowers is also located in Bicentennial Park. When you’re feeling fancy and want to snap creative shots of yourself among the plants, this is the ideal location.
The park also contains a variety of bizarre sculptures and art installations, as if all of that wasn’t enough. It is similar to a museum but outside and free. You can pose as an intelligent art critic while secretly trying to shoot the ideal selfie with a duck face using a metal sculpture.
So don’t pass up the opportunity to be a little odd and have a blast at Darwin City’s Bicentennial Park. Hello there!
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